Recent Posts on Peter & Paul Around the Galaxy
Nepture :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 30,775 miles (49,528 km) Atmosphere: hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia Surface: gaseous, cloudy Temperature: -330° F (-218°C) Rotation of its axis: 16 hours and 7 minutes Rotation around the Sun: 165 Earth years Distance from the Earth: 2,680,000,000 miles at the closest point Satellites: 8 Rings: 4 Neptune is the read more »
Earth :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 7,926.2 miles (12,756 km) Atmosphere: Nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases Surface: Water, air, and solid ground Rotation of its axis: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds Rotation around the Sun: 365.2 days Satellites: 1 Rings: 0 Earth is the third planet from the sun, in between Venus and Mars. It is a mid-sized planet, larger than read more »
Mars :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 4,194 miles (6,794 km) Surface: Polar water and carbon dioxide ice caps, canyons, dunes and volcanoes Temperature: at its lowest, -305° F (-187°C) Rotation of its axis: 24 Earth hours, 37 minutes, 23 seconds Rotation around the Sun: 687 Earth days Distance from the Earth: 35 million miles (56 million km) at its closes read more »
Pluto :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: about 1,423 miles (2,290 km) Atmosphere: methane Surface: methane and water mixed with rock Temperature: ranges from -369°F and -387°F (-223°C and -233°C) Rotation of its axis: 6 days, 9 hours, 18 minutes Rotation around the Sun: 248 Earth years Distance from the Earth: 2.67 billion miles at its closest Satell read more »
The Moon :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 2159.89 miles (3476 km) Mass: 7.35e22 kg Orbit Period: 27.322 Earth days Rotation Period: 27.322 Earth days Distance from Earth: 384,400 km Earth’s only natural satellite is the Moon. It is thought to be as old as Earth, about 4.6 billion years. The Moon is made of rock with a core, a mantle that is partially molten, an read more »
Mercury :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 3,032.4 miles (4,880 km) Atmosphere: a mixture of helium and hydrogen Surface: made of plains, craters and cliffs, covered by a dusty layer of minerals Temperature: between 950° F (510° C) and -346° F (-210° C) Rotation of its axis: 59 Earth days Rotation around the Sun: 88 Earth days Distance from the Earth: read more »
Jupiter :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 88,736 miles (142,800 km) Atmosphere: clouds of colored dust, hydrogen, helium, methane, water and ammonia Surface: a hot ball of liquid and gas Temperature: -234°F (-148°C) Rotation of its axis: 9 hours and 55 minutes Rotation around the Sun: 12 Earth years Distance from the Earth: 370 million miles (591 million km) read more »
Uranus :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 32,193 miles (51,810 km) Atmosphere: Hydrogen, helium and methane Surface: little known Temperature: -353°F (-214°C) Rotation of its axis: 17 hours Rotation around the Sun: 84 Earth years Distance from the Earth: 1,607,000 miles at the closest point Satellites: 15 or more Rings: 11 Uranus is the seventh planet in the read more »
Venus :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 7,519 miles (12,100 km) Atmosphere: Carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sulphuric acid, and trace elements Surface: rocky, dusty and mountainous with a river of hardened lava Temperature: between 55°F (13°C) and 396°F (202°C) Rotation of its axis: 243 Earth days Rotation around the Sun: 225 Earth days Mean distance from read more »
Saturn :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 74,978 miles (120,660 km) Atmosphere: Hydrogen and helium Surface: Liquid and gas Temperature: -288°F (-178°C) Rotation of its axis: 10 hours, 40 minutes, 24 seconds Rotation around the Sun: 29.5 Earth years Distance from the Earth: 744 million miles at the closest point Satellites:18 or more Rings: around 1,000 Satur read more »
The Sun :: Kids and Space
Quick Stats Diameter: 1,390,000 km Mass: 1.989e30 kg Temperature: 5800 K on the surface, 15,600,000 K in the core. The Sun is the center of our solar system. It is Earth’s ultimate energy source. More than 99% of the total mass of the solar system is contained in the Sun. It is made up of about 75% hydrogen and 25% helium by mass. In the Sun read more »